Dr Emma Wainwright
Dr Emma is the principle dentist and founder of Rosewood Dental. She grew up in Brisbane but fell in love with the countryside and moved to the Rosewood district in 2012. Dr Emma received her Bachelor of Dental Science with Honours from the University Of Queensland in 2007. Her work in dentistry began before this, employed as a dental assistant for several years. She has a great appreciation of all the hard work her support staff do as a result. Emma has experience working in the public sector, and several years in private practice. In her spare time Emma has a great love of sub-tropical gardening and is keenly learning about the history of the Rosewood Scrub, is a member of the Rosewood Gardening Group and occasionally volunteers at Peace Park. She has a dog, Marvin (a rescue from Gatton Vet School), pet guinea pigs and a king parrot. Emma enjoys swing-dancing socially.
Dr Emma has an interest in volunteer dentistry, and is currently involved in Dental Rescue Days providing probono dental work through the National Dental Foundation. She is a member of the Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) and has volunteered in Aboriginal communities east of Katherine, NT. After the January Floods of 2011, she organised a ‘clean for clean up’ day, raising over $1000 for the Premiers Flood Relief Program. Through her work at Cornerstone Dental she supports local community groups including Rotary and the Brisbane Basket Brigade.
As well as her clinical experience, Dr Emma is active in maintaining a high level of knowledge in the latest advances in dentistry. She attends many continuing education seminars throughout the year. She is also a member of the AMARA Women’s Dental Study Group, Fusion Study Club, The Australian Prosthodontics Society and the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Emma is passionate to provide services to Rosewood, Marburg, Ebenezer, Thagoona, Mount Walker, Grandchester, Willowbank and the surrounding community. She also volunteers her time to give education talks on dental hygiene, dental material science and other topics. If you would like Emma and her staff to visit your school, group or community group, please feel free to give us a call on 07 5320 0646. We would be more than happy to help out.